Introducing Ruth Stocks, ACP-UK Director & Representative for Scotland

  • March, 2019

I have spent most of my clinical psychology career working in the field of forensic mental health. These days, my job as Head of Psychology for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde mainly involves management and professional leadership responsibilities but I am still a member of a multidisciplinary clinical team in a low secure hospital. I see all aspects of my work as being about improving psychological well-being, be this at the level of individual patient care or organisational culture. Each move I have made in my career and the professional interests I have followed have been about extending my influence, and that of my profession, to this end. There is still a long, long way to go before sufficient attention is paid to psychological factors in the prevention and treatment of physical and mental health problems. Greater steps can be made if we work together as a community of clinical psychologists, forming networks, accessing expertise and sharing experiences across the country. A strong professional body provides the vehicle to do this.