Guidelines for working with Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Minors in the UK

  • January 2020

Separated children are children and young people under 18 years of age who are outside their country of origin and separated from both parents or caregivers, who are typically claiming asylum. Separated children have a wide range of needs which all need to be considered in order to support them holistically.

This guidance document emerged following an acknowledgement of the varied support needs of separated children and their unique needs compared to indigenous populations of Looked After Children. In this guide, Dr Glorianne Said and Dr Dorothy King, Clinical Psychologists and co-founders of Foundation 63, an organisation established to support separated children, summarise the best available evidence for working with separated children in the UK. This includes recommendations in support of their mental health, social needs, legal needs, physical health and effective engagement. This guide also includes a resource list of key documents and guidelines relevant to the care of separated children.

The guide is divided into sections which may be used for reference within each domain of support. We hope this guide will be helpful for all health and social care professionals supporting separated children.