ACP-UK Statement on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Prof Mike Wang, Chair ACP-UK
    Dr Tori Snell, Director of External Relations (International)

  • March, 2022

ACP-UK expresses its profound concern and solidarity with the people of Ukraine in the face of the unprovoked assault mounted by Vladimir Putin and Russian military forces, and we call for an end to the hostilities.

ACP-UK understands the devastating short and long-term psychosocial consequences of war and armed conflict on children and families; on communities and entire societies, including what is now the fastest growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. Further, we recognise that war in Europe may generate anxiety and fear in people living in the UK, and especially in vulnerable groups such as those already suffering with mental health difficulties. This has a direct impact on our members who provide psychological interventions, support and mental health care here in the UK. Whilst we have been prompted to comment because of this war in Europe, we are also concerned with the impact of war in countries around the world.

ACP-UK also recognises that the war against Ukraine is not promulgated or necessarily supported by the majority of Russian citizens: some Board members have Russian family, friends and colleagues who are horrified by Putin’s actions against the people of Ukraine. ACP-UK offers its support to the National Psychological Association in Ukraine and all Russian psychologists who oppose the war and in particular, clinical psychologists who are and will be dealing with the psychological and mental health consequences of this conflict in the Ukrainian and Russian populations for years to come. Our professional history is one of building bridges and supporting the role of psychology and psychologists in uniting and finding shared beliefs over those that try to divide us, and this has not changed.

ACP-UK supports The International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) March 2022 Statement on the Conflict in Eastern Europe that it is ‘our duty as human beings and members of a scientific and professional community to reduce suffering and build humanity’s wellbeing.’

Many members would like to take action to support the people directly impacted by war. ACP-UK supports actions and organisations that offer humanitarian support to all, without discrimination and in support of all equality protected characteristics.