ACP-UK Member Support Scheme

  • September, 2022

Qualified clinical psychologists and clinical psychology trainees face increasing pressures as healthcare services seek to recover from the impact of a global pandemic. Often, the profession is called upon to provide support and expertise to other professionals as well as the clinical populations they serve. It is important for clinical psychologists to feel supported by people who are familiar with their workloads, demands and pressures. Whether you have been redeployed into a new area of practice, are faced with distressing or difficult situations or would like advice about how to discuss conflicting demands, we are here to support you.

The ACP-UK Member Support Scheme provides all ACP-UK trainee and qualified full members with confidential support from other clinical psychologists who will listen, advise and help. You can choose to speak to someone outside your organisation or geographical area if you prefer. The focus of the scheme is to provide a brief model of support related to difficulties arising from the workplace or problems that are impacting on your work. We can provide longer-term support but this will need to be funded by yourself or your employing organisation.

All conversations are confidential, although – as you will know from your own practice – if we are concerned about any risks to you or someone else we will discuss these with you and refer you for additional support as necessary. In the case of a concern, your GP or other NHS team remains your main point of contact.

Initially, the support offered via this scheme was focused on COVID-19 and the various ways in which the pandemic is affecting our members. Due to the success of the scheme, ACP-UK has decided to continue the support and it is looking at ways to make this sustainable in the future.

Our highly skilled support scheme team has provided sessions on a voluntary basis since May 2020 and their extraordinary generosity allowed us to launch this scheme. Going forward, ACP-UK intends to offer remuneration to those providing the support in acknowledgement of their assistance. As a result, we will be implementing a subsidy system based on the length of ACP-UK membership:

* Trainee membership will count towards full-member years. E.g., a member who was a trainee member for 2-years and a full member for 1 year will be counted as 3+ years and receive 100% subsidy.

The subsidy is provided for up to 6 sessions of support, after which time, any future sessions would need to be self-funded in full.

If you would like support – or join the support scheme team – please get in touch by completing the form below, or emailing Dr Penelope Cream on [email protected].

All information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and in accordance with data protection guidelines.

Dr Penelope Cream
Clinical & Health Psychologist
ACP-UK Member Support Scheme Lead

Not a member? You can find out more about becoming a member and join ACP-UK here